About Me

Growing up neurodivergent in a small conservative city in Washington state, creative outlets became my safe place to explore, and my artistic journey began as I performed in plays and musicals as a small child. I graduated from the University of St. Andrews with a joint degree in Comparative Literature and Film Studies in 2021, where I spent much of my free time exploring my writer’s voice across different mediums.  

Much of my recent work of essays and poetry has been published in the cultural digest magazine “PILOT,” for which I am head of the literature and general contributions departments. My article “Passionate fixations with Traumedy: the trials and tribulations of Gen z’s favourite survival weapon” remains one of the most-read articles on PILOT’s website today. 

In July 2023, I graduated from Central Saint Martins with an MA in performance writing, where I broadened my focus on comedic writing and satire through an added interest in exploring the relationship between comedy and individual relationships with grief and loss and what it means to let go of experiences that follow us forever. I am currently working on my one-woman stage show that I hope to put on at some point in the near future. 

I was put on this earth to loudly confess my undying love for the indomitable human spirit, and through my words, I shall do so for as long as I live.